A new exhibition showing the works of turn-of-the-century Croatian painter Oton Iveković has just opened at Zagreb's Klovićevi dvori Gallery. Depicting critical events and figures from Croatian history, Iveković's large-scale paintings will hang in the museum in the Upper Town for the next three months.

Born in the Zagorje region in 1869 and graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Iveković had a primary interest in Croatian history. Often huge in scale and filled with romantic, patriotic and Christian themes, his work became one of the most notable examples of Croatian late-modernist painting.
When rising Croatian self-identity and further calls for national self-determination in the early 20th century met the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Iveković provided Croatians with powerful images of their shared past.
This exhibition of one of the biggest names in the Croatian arts will be open to the public until June 11. For more information. see the museum website.
Where: Jezuitski trg 4. Open: Tue-Sun 11am-7pm. Admission: €6, students & seniors €3.