The marvellous Makarska Riviera stretches 60 kilometers down the southern Croatian coast between the towns of Brela and Gradac.
On one side, it's flanked by the awe-inspiring Adriatic, and on the other, the region's guardian Biokovo mountain range. Everyone can find their vibe on the Makarska Riviera, from families seeking relaxation and professional athletes training on the area's diverse terrains to bird watchers flocking to Biokovo and artists searching for their Makarska muse.
No matter their walk of life, the Makarska Riviera offers all of its visitors a year-round escape full of Mediterranean marvels. For A-Z information on this alluring area, check out the web channels of (very aptly named) organisation All In Makarska Riviera - fully run by in-the-know locals.
We're here to bring you a glimpse of the goodness with some eye-candy towns you'll find on the Makarska Riviera.



