A promo film created by famed travel documentary-maker, Michaela Guzy, extolling the virtues of Istria is currently garnering awards around the world. After picking up a silver medal at the Tourism Film Festival in Johannesburg, Michaela’s Sleeping Around Safely Istra Croatia, an eight-minute clip in her OhThePeopleYouMeet platform, now moves on to New York where it is in line to win gold at the HSMAI Adrian Awards.
Istria promo film garners global awards
Renowned travel documentary-maker Michaela Guzy showcases Motovun and Rovinj in her acclaimed clip
In Michaela’s presentation, the American media executive and show host samples Istrian wine, olive oil and truffles in Motovun, admires the Church of St Euphemia in Rovinj and sails in a traditional batana boat. Soon to mark 70 years of celebrating excellence in travel marketing, the HSMAI Adrian Awards ceremony returns to New York City on February 18, a major date in the industry calendar.
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