
Good evening, Zagreb!

New exhibition celebrates the wonderful live music scene in Croatia's capital

Peterjon Cresswell
Written by
Peterjon Cresswell
Local expert, Budapest and Croatia
Zagreb Na Bis exhibition, City of Zagreb Museum
Zeljko Hladika/PIXSELL

Few European cities the size of Zagreb can offer the range of independent music that can be enjoyed in Croatia’s capital seven nights a week. A new exhibition just opened at the Zagreb City Museum celebrates this long-established tradition, with material provided from venues such as Močvara, Boogaloo, KSET and several others around the city.

Zagreb na bis!, Zagreb Encore!, is the result of a year’s research and collaboration to showcase this urban phenomenon, acts both local and global signing memorabilia and giving their brief impressions of one of the most memorable stops on the road in this part of Europe.

Suitably ranged around the basement of this historic building in Zagreb’s Upper Town, exhibits include professional photographs, gig tickets and set lists which capture the brief moment in shared time when a band trod the boards and gave it their all. You can almost hear the feedback as you walk in – in fact, there’s a suitable soundtrack playing as you walk around.

Sadly, documentation is Croatian-only, but you should get a feel for what the whole thing is about from the fleeting images and scrawled lines. Not unlike the live experience itself, in fact – there are even venue-branded beer glasses on display.

The exhibition runs until the end of December.

Zagreb Na Bis!, Zagreb City Museum, Opatička 20. Open Tue-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-2pm. Admission €5.

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