
Flying Santas visit children’s hospitals in Zagreb

Kids spending the holidays in hospital cheered by Father Christmas swinging in from the roof, a goodwill initiative instigated by followers of adventure sports on Velebit

Peterjon Cresswell
Written by
Peterjon Cresswell
Local expert, Budapest and Croatia
Santa flies into children's hospitals in Zagreb
Tomislav Miletic/PIXSELL

Spelunkers from the Velebit Mountaineering Society organised their goodwill deed for the year when they took part in the Christmas Descent at the children’s wards of the University Hospital Centre (KBC) in Zagreb.

Dressed as Santa Claus, they swung in from the roof of the building to the open windows of the ward and handed out presents to the young patients in somewhat unusual fashion. The gifts were donations from citizens, but also from outdoor adventurers themselves and their families.

Nurses, parents and PIXSELL photographer Tomislav Miletić were on hand to capture the scenes. After KBC Zagreb, the flying Santas went on to visit the Clinical Children’s Hospital on Klaićeva and the Tumour Clinic on Ilica.

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