
Discover grand Habsburg Pula with free themed tours all summer

English-speaking guides reveal the stories behind historic city landmarks in a series of evening walks

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Editor, Time Out Croatia
Pula themed walks
Pula Tourist Office

A series of free themed walks around Pula presents how the city would have looked in its grand Habsburg days. ‘Living pictures of Austro-Hungarian Pula’ runs every two or three weeks until September 15, bringing to life the historic characters and hidden places of the Istrian city from 1856 to 1914.

During that time, many important landmarks were built, including the railway station and main market, both key stops on this English-friendly guided walk. Costumed actors also feature and all tours start at 7pm by the station on Kolodvorska. Each lasts until around 9.30pm and the next one is on May 29. Book through the Pula tourist office (+385 52 219 197,, or in person from the office at Forum 3. See here for further details.

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