
Croatia rewarded for its kindness to China

Written by
Marc Rowlands
masks, face, china, chinese
© Tom Wang

Few in Europe were quick to acknowledge the seriousness of Coronavirus. Like previous fast-moving viruses, like Ebola and SARS, the danger seemed so far removed. But, regardless of the distance, one company from Split instantly recognised the scale of the difficulties being faced by the Chinese at the height of the epidemic there.

Deltron, based in the city of Split, are one of the best-known distributors of air-conditioning in the country. Specialists in their field – they equip whole building complexes – they were very quick to assess the overwhelming problems the Chinese were facing. In response, they sourced and flew 40, 000 face masks to China some six weeks ago, at the height of the epidemic in the country.

Due to state diligence, the number of new cases of Coronavirus in China is now falling. Indeed, some of the hastily-built temporary hospitals in the country are starting to be fazed out. With the height of their problems perhaps past, the Chinese are now in a position to repay the kindness shown to them by the Croatian company and have done just that.

Gree, a Chinese company with an existing relationship and a similar operation to Split's Deltron, have sent a large shipment of face masks to Croatia. Recognising that Croatia is in an early stage of difficulties, the company have also said that while the sent shipment is the first, it certainly won't be the last.

The shipments both from Croatia to China and now from China to Croatia have been instigated as donations. The compassion and altruistic behaviour surely serve as an excellent example to us all.

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