Statistics portal Statista have crunched the all-important numbers and can now reveal the top ten biggest beer drinking nations in the world.
According to the survey, in 2017 the average Croatian drank 81.19 litres of beer. To put that into context, a 72kg man is made up of about 42 litres of water. So, Croatians drank twice the amount of body fluid in their own body in one year, presumably replacing it with booze.
Croatia's inclusion in the top six can be explained by its seasonally hot weather and huge tourism industry, with over 18 million visitors recorded in 2017. But Croatians are also known for their penchant for the pivo.

©Statista Charts
The Czech Republic downs the most beer per capita, drinking an average of 137.38 litres in 2017. Eastern European countries dominated the top rankings. The largest non-European drinkers were the Americans who came in at 12th place guzzling 74.90 litres of beer.