
Advent celebrations soon to light up Zagreb

Opening tomorrow, Saturday, December 2, the award-winning Christmas market and festive extravaganza takes over the capital with food, concerts, activities and workshops

Written by
Jan Bantic
Advent in Zagreb
Julien Duval/CNTB | Advent in Zagreb

Preparations for Zagreb's award-winning Christmas market are finally complete and the capital is ready for the grand opening tomorrow, Saturday, December 2. With the traditional lighting of the first Advent candle on the main square of Trg Bana Jelačića, the capital kicks off a festive collage of markets, concerts, workshops and activities that will take over the city centre until January 7. 

A main highlight is Ice Park Zagreb, a mazey ice-skating rink on Trg Kralja Tomislava. With nine hour-long slots per day, visitors can skate in the heart of town against the backdrop of the stunning Art Pavilion. Afterwards, guests can work their way up towards the main square, passing by Zrinjevac for street food, mulled wine and stopping to catch a live concert. Gastronomic delights will be provided by some of Croatia's most famous chefs.

Damir Kedzo,advent,zrinjevac,paviljon,koncert,Advent na Zrinjevcu,pjevac
Marin Tironi/PIXSELLConcertgoers gather around the Music Pavilion at Zagreb's Zrinjevac Park

Others might feel more inclined to make their way to the passageway at the Hotel Jägerhorn on Ilica, which connects the city centre with the Upper Town, to revel in the festive decor from a terrace table or in its café. Others might be intrigued by the exhibition of works created in chocolate by sculpture students at the Chocolate Museum.

A full map of all events, locations, hotspots and schedules – along with descriptions in English – can be found here. All further details can be found on the Advent website.

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