2024 fast approaches and Zagreb has plenty on offer for those looking to party their way into the new year. Here are the top 5 picks for the best parties and concerts as the midnight countdown reaches zero.
OH NO!? It’s Twenty Four on Trg Bana Jelačića
Zagreb’s main square will play host to a great New Year spectacle. As part of the Baš Naš Advent programme, attendees will party into 2024 with a concert by Let 3, the outrageous band behind Croatia’s iconic and delightfully camp entry into the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest hosted in Liverpool.
The party kicks off at 7pm with DJs Arsen Pavešić and Demian entertaining until 10.30pm, before the extravaganza begins with Let 3, the Zagreb Philharmonic and several surprise guests.
Where: Trg bana Josipa Jelačića
When: December 31, 7pm
Tickets: FREE!

Dark vibes at club Dva Osam
Maybe you find the New Year celebrations too mainstream and are looking for something a little less saccharine to kick off the old one? Billed as the darkest New Year party in town, a playlist of hits and classics from Joy Division, New Order and Nick Cave should please partygoers. Dva Osam has secured snacks for the party, and will provide a complimentary glass of champagne at midnight so that you can toast with your friends to start 2024 on the right foot.
Pre-sale tickets go from €15 and are available here, with the price rising to €20 on the door.
Where: Dva Osam, Jabukovac 28
When: December 31, 9pm
Tickets: €15 pre-sale, €20 on the door
Open-air hip/trip-hop at Fuliranje with TBF
Advent’s Fuliranje at Park Josipa Jurja Strossmayera offers another concert for folks to enjoy while awaiting midnight, with cult experimentalists The Beat Fleet (more widely known as TBF) entertaining at this open-air event. TBF, from Split, are a hip-hop/trip-hop outfit with a distinct style who have been combining elements of funk, soul, grunge and Dalmatian sounds into their repertoire since 1992. Free of charge and in the centre of town, this event is perfect for those seeking local flavour for the new year in Croatia, as well as those who plan to float between events offered as part of Zagreb’s ongoing Advent celebrations.
DJ Ivan Škrinjarić begins as early as 1pm, with DJ Dado Botić at the console from 7-11pm before TBF kicks things off in earnest shortly afterwards.
Where: Park Josipa Jurja Strossmayera
When: December 31. DJs 1pm-11pm, concert shortly afterwards.
Tickets: FREE!

Pop, Rock and Trap at Tvornica Kulture
The biggest club NYE party in the city comprises two floors of entertainment. Tvornica Kulture ('The Culture Factory') offers both pop and rock staples from the '80s onwards, as well as some of the best trap music cuts of the genre. Renovated in 2018, Tvornica Kulture is one of the best clubs in the capital and a surefire option for a good-vibes start to 2024.
Early-bird tickets are €15, available here, with the price on the door €20.
Where: Tvornica Kulture, Pavla Šubića 2
When: December 31, 9pm
Tickets: €15 pre-sale, €20 on the door
Keep it trashy at Močvara
Found on the banks of the Sava river, the beloved alternative venue Močvara promises an enticing time-travelling selection of international and domestic hits mixed by DJ Mario Kovač. Everything from AC/DC and Led Zeppelin to Croatian and Eurotrash dance music is on the playlist, as well as one of the comparatively cheaper club parties for New Year’s Eve. Pre-sale tickets start at €10 and are available here (along with event details), with the price rising to €14 on the door.
Where: Klub Močvara, Trnjanska struga 34
When: December 31, 10pm
Tickets: €10 pre-sale, €14 on the door.