Zagreb is full of odd museums that focus on very specific subjects. Behind the façades of the capital's Austro-Hungarian buildings are exhibitions dedicated to mysterious mushrooms, basketball heroes, model trains and heartbreak. Here are Time Out Croatia's top ten niche museums.

Museum of Broken Relationships
This pioneering museum in Zagreb's Upper Town is dedicated to break-ups and failed love, its exhibits the personal objects left over after the end of a relationship, accompanied with a brief description. Originally set up by two Zagreb-based artists after their own break-up, the museum went on tour around the world with a collection donated from friends and the public, before settling down at its permanent location in Zagreb. Ćirilometodska ulica 2. Open daily 9am-9pm. From 10am in summer. Admission €7 in person or from the museum website.

Museum of Illusions
Filled to the brim with optical curiosities, holograms, puzzles and forced perspective tricks, the Museum of Illusions is one of the most popular attractions in the city. Opening in 2015, it was a splash hit and expanded rapidly to 35 locations globally, including New York, Paris and Dubai. Just now wrapping up renovations at their Zagreb location, the museum reopens in mid-April. Ilica 72. Open daily 9am-10pm. Admission €9, 5-15s €7. For more information, read our article or check the museum website.
Chocolate Museum
This museum just off Cvjetni trg celebrates one of the world’s favourite delights. The exhibition explores the history of the cultivation of the cocoa bean as well as the culture surrounding the tasty treat. Don't miss the gift shop. Varšavska 5. Open Tue-Sat 10am-8pm (last entry 7pm), Sun 10am-7pm (last entry 6pm). Admission €9 in person or from the museum website.

Museum of Hangovers
Every group of friends shares tales of a legendary night out – the Museum of Hangovers collects them. Also on view are several interactive exhibits such as beer pong and a drunk-driving simulator. Recently moved to a new location. Vlaška ulica 55. Open daily 10am-10pm. Admission €8 in person or from the museum website.
Mushroom Museum
Fungi are some of the most fascinating and alien-like organisms on Earth, going further back on the evolutionary timeline than both plants and animals. Over 1,500 species of this amazing and bizarre life form can be found at the Mushroom Museum on Zagreb's main square. Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3. Open Wed 1pm-7pm, Fri-Sat 10am-5pm. For more information, check the museum's Facebook page.

Backo Mini Express
This delightful attraction in central Zagreb has dozens of intricately detailed models, hundreds of trains and more than a kilometre of tracks. Great for all ages. Gundulićeva 4. Open Thur-Sat 10am-6pm. Easter hours vary until April 15. Admission €8, 3-12s €6. For more information, read our recent article or visit the museum website.
Museum of Torture
History can be cruel, and no place in Zagreb serves as a better reminder than the Tortureum Museum of Torture. A plethora of brutal instruments includes a real-life Iron Maiden. Tkalčićeva 13. Open daily 11am-7pm. For more information, check the museum's Facebook page.

New Wave Museum
Yugoslavia in the ’70s and ’80s was a hotspot for avant-garde arts and culture, producing authentic new wave and punk sounds. This museum collects photos, stories and memorabilia from this golden age, making it a must-visit for any fan of the genre. Vlaška 67. Open daily 11am-9pm. For more information, check our recent article or the museum's Facebook page.
Zagreb 80’s Museum
This interactive attraction feels like a time warp, providing a glimpse at what Zagreb looked like 40 years ago. Without ropes or glass cases, you can flip through period magazines or lay down on a bizarrely patterned couch in a meticulous reconstruction of an '80s apartment. Radićeva 34. Open daily 10am-10pm. Admission €5.30, 3-13s €3.30. For more information, check the museum website.

Dražen Petrović Museum
He was one of the most famous Croatians and a legendary basketball player. This museum explores the life and career of one of Croatia's national heroes, from his youth in Šibenik to an illustrious career in the NBA, until his tragic death at the age of 29. Trg Dražena Petrovića 3. Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm. Admission €4, discounted €2. Free June 7-Oct 22. For more information, check the museum website.