Street art collective Pimp my Pump, whose giant murals can be spotted all over Zagreb, are sprucing up the city centre yet again with a brand new work of art.
This time, their subject of choice is Gulliver and his little Lilliputians, and their setting is park Bishop Stephen II (also known as Park Opatovina), a reasonably run-down spot tucked behind the cathedral.

Pimp my Pump founder Boris Bare worked alongside artist Dominik Vukovic to paint the characters - from English/ Irish author Jonathan Swift's 18th-century satirical novel Gulliver's Travels - across a bare wall in the park. It was a spontaneous decision, according to the pair, who say that inspiration only came when they saw the size of the wall. For reference, they looked to the work of Zagreb-based photographer Hrvoje Zalukar.
Check out the Pimp my Pump facebook page to keep tabs on the troupe's upcoming projects.