Let 3

Let 3 are not exactly national sweethearts; the punk group, whose infamous antics include ejecting corks from their rectums on a live chat show, tend to divide opinion. But their influence on Croatian music is indisputable. They formed in the '80s when Rijeka had already been serving as communist Europe's punk-rock capital for two decades - it was in the city's network of underground stages that groups such as Paraf and Termiti first performed, and Let 3 continued their tradition of anti-establishment lyrics and absurd, subversive, theatricality.
In their three decades of anarchy, they've staged a group suicide in Zagreb's main square; they've released a video featuring people masturbating; and they've performed (multiple times) wearing only muzzles on their crotches. They wound up in court in 2006 on counts of 'insult to public morality' - a case which they promptly lost.
Their stunts may seem like clownish bids for attention, but their enduring thirty-year reign suggests that punk-rock is very much alive in Rijeka. The line-up has changed countless times, but these stalwarts show no sign of tiring - or mellowing: their latest album, 'Angela Merkel shitting', was released in 2016.