Photograph: @ke11er
Photograph: @ke11er | Lightning bolts ignite the Chicago skyline during the wild derecho storm of June 30, 2014.

Wild photos from last night's derecho storm

Sideways lightning! The Chicago skyline is electric in these striking Instagram images


Last night, as we were cowering with our pets, Tom Skilling was giddy as he got to drop metereological science like "derecho" and "bow echo." The storm was intense, similar to the freak deluge that shut down Lollapalooza in 2012.

It's been a wild week of weather in Chicago. Ok, year. Or more. These apocalyptic clouds follow the creeping fog of late last week. We again turned to Instagram to find gorgeous images of the dark, roiling clouds and lightning bolts—sideways lightning bolts. Frankly, it looks like an alien ship descending over the Loop in a Transformers movie, only it doesn't waste precious hours of your life.

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