Photograph: Max Herman
Photograph: Max Herman | Nominees and winners celebrated the first Time Out Love Chicago Awards at Soho House on December 8, 2014.

Pictures from the Time Out Love Chicago Awards at Soho House

Winners of our annual Love Chicago readers' choice awards gathered in the West Loop for booze, dusty grooves and celebrating.


Yesterday, we announced the winners of our first annual Love Chicago Awards, a neighborhood-by-neighborhood battle for the best restaurants, bars, coffee shops, boutiques, music venues and storefront theaters in the city. You voted and had your say, and later last evening, the victors gathered with us at Soho House in the West Loop for a little celebrating.

CH Distillery and Revolution provided the liquor and beer, respectively, while Soho House dished out wood-fired pizzas, tuna tartare and more bites on the sixth floor of the private club. The outdoor pool was heated and ready, but alas, none of us remembered our swimsuits. DJs from Uncanned spun funk and tropicalia 45s. Jana Kinsman of Doodlebooth inked hand-drawn portaits of everyone.

By the end of the night, we were already planning our membership applications to the swank and cozy club, part of a chain that stretches from Berlin to London to Miami to Los Angeles.

Check out photos of the soiree above, and congrats again to all the winners!

RECOMMENDED: Complete list of Time Out Love Chicago winners

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