Photograph: Andrew Nawrocki
Photograph: Andrew Nawrocki

Jacket-required restaurants | You asked for it

A few Chicago restaurants that Phil “No Jacket Required” Collins would shun.


When I heard the Pump Room 2.0 dropped its infamous jacket requirement, I couldn’t help wondering: Are there any places left in the city that require men to wear a coat? Just in case I need a place to impress.—Jack, West Loop

Alinea Grant Achatz insists: no jeans, T-shirts or tennies—and coats are a must. “It’s a very sophisticated dining experience so we try to steer people away from casual dress,” says office manager Ashlan Strait. Sorry, no spare jackets provided. 1723 N Halsted St (312-867-0110).

Cape Cod Room “Back when Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe dined here, you wouldn’t think of visiting [the] restaurant without a jacket,” explains Kathleen Clas, the Drake’s assistant director of restaurants, about the hotel’s old-school seafood eatery. Officially, coats aren’t mandatory, but Clas says expect a heaping side of stink eye if you aren’t wearing one. No loaners. 140 E Walton Pl (312-787-2200).

Les Nomades The compulsory coat policy at this French eatery “improves behavior,” claims owner Mary Beth Liccioni. “Gentlemen act better when they have jackets on.” Blue blazers and gray sport coats are handed out if a diner shows up in shirtsleeves. 222 E Ontario St (312-649-9010).

Spiaggia At Obama’s fave Italian spot, the dress code is decidedly conservative; coats are obligatory in the dining room. “Everybody seems to enjoy themselves more in a formal atmosphere,” says manager Chad Bertelsman. Black jackets are available for the underdressed. 980 N Michigan Ave (312-280-2750).

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