Has all that time at home over the last year got you thinking more about starting a garden? Whether you're working your way up to a green thumb or you're already a seasoned gardener, you'll find all sorts of tips and tricks at the multi-weekend Get Growing! Expo, which features a bounty of free classes, workshops and other educational events meant to help your garden (and plant knowledge) thrive. Swing by each weekend to learn about how to plant a veggie garden, build your own terrarium and more—plus, you can shop greenery from Plant Truck Chicago.
June 4-6: Pioneer Court: 401 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL
June 11-13: Stone Temple Baptist Church: 3607 W. Douglas Blvd, Chicago, IL
June 18-20: Brookfield Zoo: 8400 W 31st Street, Brookfield, IL (zoo admission required)