Rush Street between Delaware Place and Walton Street
Your names are Day and Dawn? For real?
CD Omigod, I didn’t even realize! [Laughs]
RD We just need a “Night” and we’ll be good.
Why are you hanging out in front of this Lamborghini?
CD We’re modeling at an event at the adidas store.
Adidas—All Day I Dream About Sex…right?
CD I’d have to Wikipedia that business. Is that a Korn song?
Is modeling fulfilling?
CD I graduated with a degree in business with a concentration on marketing, but a girl has to pay the bills during the recession.
RD Omigod! We have another thing in common: I’m in school right now for business marketing.
Creepiest gig you’ve ever gotten?
CD You get a lot of creepers. I’ve had people who run fetish sites ask me to pose. At a show one time, I was wearing open-toe shoes, and a guy with a foot fetish was hiding behind a pillar taking shots—just of my feet, not of the rest of me.
RD There are people who are socially inept, so you get a lot of comments. A few minutes ago this quadriplegic was like, “You’re so hot, you almost made me fall out of my wheelchair!” [Laughs]
In the history of humankind, has any guy ever successfully picked up a woman via catcall?
RD It never works.
CD Perhaps back in the Stone Age.
Have you ever tried to get a guy’s attention?
RD No. [Laughs]