Photograph: John Cary | Kris V
Photograph: John Cary

Kris, 33 | Date these singles

Interested in males




What makes you a good catch?
I've genuinely remained friends with all of my exes, so maybe you could think of that as a no-risk guarantee. Plus, my job comes with plenty of built-in date plans.

What’s your idea of a perfect first date?
Hitting it off over a long Sunday brunch with great conversation and embarrassing childhood stories, followed by leisurely browsing a favorite neighborhood bookstore—always a good environment for assessing compatibility—and finishing with drinks on a patio somewhere. (Clearly my perfect first date takes place in the summer.)

Favorite hangout
That place with the great beer list.

Secret talent
Charming parents.

Describe your ideal match
Someone who's got the funny, who's politically aware, who likes to cook and maybe will teach me to like it too, who doesn't need to be together constantly but wants to be together regularly, and who gets excited about both musical theater and college football (or can tolerate someone who does).

Name one thing a date could do that would make you go crazy (in a good way).

I (jokingly) subscribe to the "High Fidelity" theory that what you like is as important as what you are like, so I always find it promising on a first date when the guy references some pop culture favorite of mine—the more obscure, the better.

Name one thing a date could do that would make you go crazy (in a bad way).
Talk about himself incessantly. Worst date I ever had, I realized we'd been talking for an hour and the guy hadn't asked me a single question about myself.

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