Starfruit Truck (CLOSED)

  • Restaurants | Trucks
  • price 1 of 4

Time Out says

As popular as frozen yogurt has been over the last couple of years and as popular as food trucks continue to be, it was only a matter of time before the two collided as they've done with Starfruit, the city's first fro-yo truck. An offshoot of Ukrainian Village's Starfruit Cafe (which itself is an offshoot of the Lifeway Foods company and its popular probiotic yogurt drink), the truck brings a tangy original plus a rotating fruit flavor to curbsides around town. Toppings are more limited than at the storefront, but with Milk & Honey granola and fresh fruit as options, we're not complaining.


Twitter: @StarfruitCafe
Average item: $5
Opening hours:
(open Apr-Oct)
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