This scrappy retail operation consists of one woman, one small table of Belgian pastries and breads, and a little coffee kiosk. On one wall hangs a photograph of chef Renaud Hendrickx, who behind a swinging door crafts the oversize country bread (sold in eighths, quarters, halves or a full loaf) with a fluffy interior and chewy crust, yeasty croissants and simple apple turnovers. Coffee is made to order in a Belgian-style filter, so proceed at a European pace.

Hendrickx Belgian Bread Crafter
Time Out says
- Address
- 100 E Walton St
- Chicago
- 60611
- Cross street:
- between Rush St and Michigan Ave
- Transport:
- El stop: Red to Chicago (Red). Bus: 6, 66, 143, 144.
- Price:
- Average pastry: $3
- Opening hours:
- Tue–Sat 8am–7pm; Sun 9am–3pm (closed Mon)
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