Photograph: Martha Williams
Photograph: Martha Williams |

Buttermilk cake doughnut from Dat Donut
Tasting notes: This one left a bad, shortening-like taste in our mouths, and several tasters noted "off" flavors.

Chicago donuts taste test: We try (almost) every donut

Now that we have a wealth of donut shops, the time has come to taste test which donuts in Chicago are worth your...dough.


We are living in the golden age of donuts in Chicago. To prove it, we picked up a dozen donuts from the best spots in Chicago—Glazed & Infused, Endgrain, Doughnut Vault, Do-Rite Donuts, Old Fashioned Donuts, Dat Donut and Firecakes—and did a taste test of all of them in one sitting, to determine the standout flavors from each. Check out the slide show to find out the best donuts, the worst donuts and more notes from the tasting.

RECOMMENDED: The best donuts in Chicago

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