1. Photo Courtesy: Curly Deviants
    Photo Courtesy: Curly Deviants |

    Batter & Berries

  2. Photo Courtesy: Curly Deviants
    Photo Courtesy: Curly Deviants |

    Batter & Berries

Batter and Berries

  • Restaurants | American
  • price 1 of 4
  • Sheffield & DePaul

Time Out says

Chef Derek Rylon tries to make the breakfast food at this simple, welcoming spot so flavorful you don’t need syrup. So he accompanies the French-toast flight (thin, eggy slices topped with the likes of caramel sauce and lemon zest) with a housemade maple butter you’ll want to spread on everything. And he created a dish called a “Cluk-N-Gaufre,” in which he stuffs pulled chicken into a cakey sweet-potato waffle and throws a fried chicken breast on top, dredged in vinegary hot sauce. Apparently Rylon also wants his restaurant to be so entertaining that you don’t have to bother with your own conversation: Servers occasionally interject with unprompted riddles.


2748 N Lincoln Ave
Cross street:
between Schubert Ave and Diversey Pkwy
El stop: Brown, Purple (rush hrs) to Diversey. Bus: 11, 76.
Average main course: $10
Opening hours:
Breakfast, lunch
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