Get your witty signage ready: the Women’s March is back for a second year. What began as the Women’s March on Washington inspired hundreds of satellite marches worldwide, including a massive one here in Chicago. An estimated 250,000 protesters rallied in Grant Park on January 21, 2017, launching a year of re-energized political participation for a younger generation. Following that massive turnout, the Women’s March organizers are encouraging women and allies to come out for round two in more than 350 cities worldwide. Here’s what you need to know about the Women’s March Chicago 2018.
What is the Women’s March Chicago 2018?
The 2018 event is called the “Women’s March Chicago: March to the Polls” rally and march. According to the organization’s mission statement, WMC aims to “lead and participate in local and national actions” while “advocating for women’s rights, promoting intersectional feminism, and challenging the political system regarding issues affecting women.” If that’s something you can get behind, perhaps you should come out and march this weekend.
When is the Women’s March Chicago 2018?
The Women’s March Chicago: March to the Polls is taking place on Saturday, January 20, 2018. The rally site opens at 9am. The rally begins at 11am, and the march will start around 12:30pm. The event will conclude at about 2pm.
Where is the Women’s March Chicago 2018?
The rally itself is taking place in Grand Park. The Women’s March website instructs participants to enter the rally site at the intersection of Congress Parkway and Columbus Drive. Families and people with disabilities can enter at an entrance at Monroe Street and Columbus Drive. For more information regarding attendees with disabilities, visit the march’s access page.
The route of the march itself will run from Jackson Drive and Michigan Avenue to Federal Plaza (at Dearborn Street and Adams Street). Check out the map here:

Courtesy Women's March Chicago 2018
What streets will be closed for the Women's March?
Several streets will be closed from 10pm on Friday, January 19 to 2pm on Saturday, January 20. These streets include Columbus Drive from Monroe Street to Balbo Drive; Jackson Boulevard from Lake Shore Drive to Michigan Avenue; Congress Parkway, between Columbus Drive and Michigan Avenue; and, once the march steps off Jackson Boulevard will be closed as far west as LaSalle Street, according to NBC Chicago.
What can I bring to the Women’s March?
Backpacks are allowed, but not recommended. If you do bring a backpack, organizers are asking it be clear.
Bringing signs is encouraged! However, they must be hand-held; signs with sticks or poles attached are not allowed in the rally.
Hop over to the march’s FAQ section for details on bus registration, parking (we highly recommend taking the CTA!) and more.
What will the weather be like for the Women’s March?
Right now, it’s looking like Saturday will be partly cloudy, with highs in the low 40s. In Chicago in January, that’s basically tropical weather—you've got no excuse to stay at home.