Even the folks who make vacation-ready cocktails need a vacation every once in a while. Next week, the bar team at Lost Lake is heading south for a research trip in Jamaica, and instead of closing up shop, they're inviting some friends from New York to keep bar. From March 10 to 14, the booze experts from Death & Co.—arguably one of the best bars in NYC—will take over the Logan Square tiki den with modernized classic cocktails with a tropical twist.
Bartenders from the institution's locations in New York, Los Angeles and Denver will hold down the fort with a specialized menu of $14 drinks. The options range from light and bright (the Palm Dreams blends Jamaican rum, Batavia Arrack, calamansi and honey) to super boozy and bold (the Outlaw Country includes pineapple rum, bourbon, amaro, vanilla and angostura).
Lost Lake executive sous chef Dani Kaplan even worked with Death & Co.'s culinary director to remix the bar's snack offerings, featuring belly-padding bites like grilled chicken thigh yakitori, hamachi crudo and beef sirloin steak tartare.
See what all your New York friends have been fussing about when Death & Co. takes over Lost Lake March 10–14 from 5pm to 2am nightly; it's back to regularly scheduled tiki programming when the Lost Lake team returns to Chicago on March 15.