
Cheers to the 236 brave souls who took Divvy rides this morning

Written by
Kris Vire

The bike peddlers at Divvy mounted a social-media campaign earlier this week to persuade Chicagoans to keep biking even in winter weather, and data from this morning suggests their messaging is on a roll.

The bike-share company says 236 riders checked out Divvy bikes this morning during the snowstorm that, while it so far hasn’t brought as much accumulation as was forecast, still dropped around six inches on the ground and kept Chicago Public Schools students and many adults home for the day.

About 97 percent of these winter cycling warriors were Divvy members, the company said, but six of the riders purchased passes this morning—presumably, these impulse buyers spotted those sky-blue bike frames and chunky tires through the driving snow and thought, “Yes, this seems like a fine time for a ride.” We Snuggie-clad winter wimps raise our hot toddies in your honor, you biking Vikings.

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