Photographer: | Vampire Weekend performs at UIC Pavilion on June 5, 2014.

Vampire Weekend at UIC Pavilion

Ezra, Rostam and the two Chrises bring 'Modern Vampires' to our city. And the crowd goes wild. Check out photos from the sold out show


Vampire Weekend's wonderful third LP, Modern Vampires of the City, was one of our best albums of 2013. In hindsight, it might be the best record of the year, a sophisticated and smart platter of upbeat songs about aging, changing and death. Apparently, we were not the only ones to fall head over heels for it.

The New York quartet drew a massive crowd of mixed generations and genders to a sold out UIC Pavilion. Here is Sam Israel's recap:

Vampire Weekend has done something that many bands only hope to accomplish. As hipsters, teenaged girls and parents pushed towards the stage, it was clear that the work of Ezra Koenig and company attracted one of the widest demographics in music.

Looking out into the audience was amusing to say the least. To my left and right were high school fan girls screaming their hearts out as the band opened up "Diane Young," carrying on into "White Sky." To some degree, Vampire Weekend comes off as a boy band that popularized collard shirts and skinny jeans.

But right next to these same fan girls were mothers and fathers who looked to have known every lyric to every song, appearing almost as frantic as their daughters. Perhaps it’s the delicate piano melody in "Hannah Hunt," or maybe the Two-Tone ska riff in their debut single "A-Punk," or combination of all these elements.

This observation isn’t meant to be an insult, rather a testament to what a small indie band from New York has achieved through three albums of preppy yet creative songwriting. As the band concluded their performance with one of their newer numbers, "Obvious Bicycle," the many generations in the audience came together as lighters and smartphones were waved through the air. Vampire Weekend proves that good old clean rock & roll and with a little sex appeal can continue to win the hearts and minds of many. 

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