Magician Dennis Watkins
Photo: Erica Gannett | Magician Dennis Watkins
Photo: Erica Gannett

Chicago magicians | Dennis Watkins


Recently, we checked in with Dennis Watkins (along with three other great Chicago-area magicians) about his cool career—and then we asked him to visit our studio to perform some magic for us.

Best kid’s reaction I once had a kid volunteer to help me on stage before an audience of about 600 folks. He was incredibly enthusiastic, but all of a sudden, he stopped, froze, a small moment passed—and he ran off the stage, up the aisle and out of the theater. Later, his mother told me he had to pee.

Secret you can never reveal The biggest secret is that the people who ask for the secrets don't really want to know.

Advice for budding magicians Practice. And perform as much as you possibly can!

Favorite magician People ask this one a lot, and I'm never sure how to answer it. I love magic and have so many favorites. I'm going to go ahead and say my grandfather, Ed Watkins. 

Learn more about Dennis Watkins at

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