Photograph: Martha Williams
Photograph: Martha Williams |

Julia Fitting, 26, pastry chef at the Boarding House

Backstory After Fitting graduated from the French Pastry School, she stuck around, completing a six-month internship in the school�s kitchen.

At the Boarding House Fitting has her hands in three places at once: the Boarding House bread program, where she makes all the breads for the restaurant (biscuits for the fried chicken, sourdough for the cheese plate, etc.); the casual desserts for the bar area; and the less-casual desserts for the dining room. But even those fancier desserts have a good amount of whimsy. �I�m not a very serious person,� Fitting says. At the Boarding House, desserts are meant to �connect people to the fun part of food,� and she accomplishes this by pairing financiers with dipping sauces and making bombes in the flavors of s�mores.

Future More bread, in the form of a proper bread basket for the dining room

Pastry chefs to watch in 2013

These four dessert makers are making this a sweet year.



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