Photograph: Martha Williams
Photograph: Martha Williams |

Best New Pizzeria winner: Roots Handmade Pizza

Best New Pizzeria | Eat Out Awards 2012


Best New Pizzeria Roots Handmade Pizza

In the ongoing battle between New York– and Chicago-style pizza, your new favorite pizza joint is surprisingly neither. Folks from the Quad Cities can grab a slice of their hometown thanks to Roots Pizza owner Greg Mohr (Fifty/50), who introduced to Chicago the scissors-cut strips made famous at Harris Pizza in Rock Island. Quad Cities–style pizza is known for its medium-thick, malt-heavy dough, traditionally topped with finely ground sausage, spicy red sauce and mozzarella. Wackier varieties include taco pizza, teeming with mozzarella, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes and tortilla chips. Olé? 1924 W Chicago Ave (773-645-4949).

Other nominees Bar Toma, Dante’s Pizzeria, Dough Boys, Jimmy’s Pizza Cafe

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