It has been a great summer for creative train cars (remember those rainbow Pride trains?) and the folks at Oscar Mayer are continuing the trend. The next time you ride the CTA, you might encounter a train car that looks like a Wienermobile—it's not quite like getting a ride in the infamous promotional car, but it's probably the closest you're going to get.
Select cars on the Blue and Brown Lines are being wrapped with the gigantic hot dog decal, which promote Oscar Mayer's #ForTheLoveOfHotDogs campaign. After all the recent controversy over whether or not you can put a renamed ketchup on a hot dog, it's nice to see a brand saluting the encased meat that unites all hot dog lovers.
The hot dog-themed train cars will be rolling along the Blue and Brown Lines through early September, so keep an eye out for them. If you're lucky enough to see (or ride) on one, you're probably going to want a snack when you arrive at your destination—luckily, Chicago is filled with amazing hot dog stands.

Photograph: Courtesy Oscar Mayer

Photograph: Courtesy Oscar Mayer
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