On an almost daily basis, we have to remind ourselves of how impractical it probably is to get a dog in Chicago, but that doesn't mean that we aren't dreaming about the day our lives will finally slow down, when we aren't stumbling from bar to bar on an almost nightly basis and can, you know, take time to walk a dog. This really just means that we spend plenty of time watching puppy videos on YouTube, finding cute gifs of our favorites and wishing for things like the Puppy Parade to happen more often. It also means we took the time to decide what dog you probably are based on what neighborhood you live in. Enjoy the puppy pics.
Boystown: Dachshund

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Andrew Smith Lewis
Bridgeport: Pug

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/tjortenzi2012
Edgewater: Bassett Hound

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/rbairdpccam
Humboldt Park: German Shepherd

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Soren Wolf
Hyde Park: Doberman Pinscher
Lakeview: Golden Retriever

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/ccho
Lincoln Park: Husky

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Ritmó
Logan Square: Beagle
The Loop: Great Dane

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Jay Iwasaki
Magnificent Mile: Cocker Spaniel
Pilsen: Pit Bull

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Becky Stern
River North: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/colorblindPICASO
Rogers Park: Collie

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Chris Leung
South Loop: Greyhound
Uptown: French Bulldog

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Stijn Hosdez
West Loop: Corgis

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Erin Kohlenberg
Wicker Park: Mini Pigs
Wrigleyville: Bulldogs

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Chase Elliott Clark