
We need these Midwestern-themed LaCroix flavors right now

Written by
Elizabeth Atkinson

LaCroix may be having a moment in the national spotlight, but we all know that it originally came from the Midwest. Yesterday, a website called bombarded Twitter feeds everywhere with people coming up with their own great LaCroix flavors. We noticed Malort was among the top, and then, of course, made a few of our own Midwestern-themed flavors.

Malort: Because, clearly we need a sparkling water that's inspired by the divisive yet popular spirit

Chicago River: I mean, who doesn't want to drink a glass of the river we can't swim in with a little spritz?

Midwestern mom: An ode to the ones who started this whole sparkling water trend, the ones who made us mostaccioli, the Midwestern moms.

Wisconsin Old-Fashioned: For a more toned-down version of this drink we can have all day long, look no further than the Brandy-flavored sparkling water.

Original Rainbow Cone: Now we're talking. Year-round flavors from Rainbow Cone minus the calories? We're in. 

LaCroix: A little meta, but we're into it. This is just LaCroix-flavored LaCroix.

Giardiniera: When the spicy stuff just isn't enough, turn to this can for a bit of a kick.

Cheese curd: We can't get enough of the squeaky curds, so we figured they'd be good in a sparkling water, too. Why the hell not?

Miller Lite: For when it just isn't quite 5 'o clock but you still want a taste of that glorious, cheap beverage.

 Chicago Bears' Tears: Sorry you guys. We just don't think it's our year. 

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