Buke & Gase + Landlady
August 4, Lincoln Hall
Named after the homemade instrument that populate its records, Brooklyn duo Buke & Gase totes its baritone ukelele (the buke) and hybrid guitar and bass (you guessed it, the gase) to Lincoln Hall this week. The band's makeshift mentality is reflected in its angular arrangements, which transpose energetic melodies across improvised arrays of strings and frets. Co-headlining the gig is Landlady, the solo project of Man Man sideman Adam Schatz, who performs self-assured art-rock from his sophomore release, Upright Behavior. ($14, 21+)
Total Control
August 6, Empty Bottle
If Blade Runner protagonist Rick Deckard relaxed after a long day of chasing replicants by listening to a punk record, it might sound something like "Glass," the opening track of Total Control's latest record Typical System. Featuring members of Eddy Current Suppression Ring, the Australian outfit's blend of electronica and staccato krautrock recalls an imagined mid-'80s jam session featuring Vangelis and Wire. If that doesn't pique your interest, you've failed this experimental rock Voight-Kampff test. Final Grin, Stacian and DJ Beau Wanzer open the show. ($15, 21+)
Dinosaur Jr.
August 9, Subterranean
It's been nearly three years since the last Dinosaur Jr. studio album, but there's no reason to complain about a dearth of new material. Frankly, it's a miracle that J Mascis and Lou Barlow managed to bury the hatchet and get back to doing what they do best: making sludgy, fuzzed-out rock that leaves your ears ringing. Pack some earplugs and expect to hear cuts from classic albums like Bug and Where You Been in their natural habitat—a dingy, dimly lit rock club. ($35, 17+)