It's true. The terrible, no good, awful snow blowing against our windows all Wednesday afternoon may very well be the last snow we'll see in Chicago until next winter. As of this writing, forecasts from AccuWeather predict the snow will come to an end Wednesday night. If the predictions hold, we won't see another snowflake for months—maybe even until next year if next winter is as mild as this one.
Though it looks to be chilly through the week, the weekend should warm up nicely and end February on a high note, literally. Temperatures are slated to reach the 50s on Sunday if all goes according to plan. After a dip into the upper 30s on Monday and Tuesday next week, Chicago should be well on its way to a mild spring and a mixture of sunshine and showers, as per the usual. The average high according to AccuWeather's March forecast is about 47 degrees.
Don't get so down in the dumps, Chicago. This snow will pass. It always does.
Here's what we have to look forward to in March.

Image: AccuWeather