1. Learn from high school all over again
Okay, we’re not saying you have to re-live high school. But we are saying that missing out on Albany Park Theater Project’s immersive show Learning Curve is a detention-worthy mistake. (Ellen Gates Starr High School, 3640 W Wolfram St, 7:30pm. $40, $18 for CPS students and faculty)
Watch the stellar improvisers of Improvised Shakespeare create a whole new Shakespeare play right in front of your eyes, complete with literary references, proper language and even some iambic pentameter. (iO Chicago, 1501 N Kingsbury St, 8pm. $16)
Learn which beers pair with various cheeses and meats at Goose Island’s Beer and Cheese Pairing Event. Because charcuterie boards aren’t just for wine anymore. (City Winery, 1200 W Randolph St, 7pm. $60)