Check out Peter Wachtler's solo show, Secrets of a Trumpet, which consists of outlandish pieces inspired by pop culture during his monthlong stay in Chicago. The impressions of the German-born artist resulted in a lounging bronze crocodile, an oversized leather bandage and a rat singing Bruce Springsteen. (Renaissance Society, 5811 S Ellis Ave, 10am–5pm. Free)
Puppets aren't just for kids anymore. Just check out the Harold-style puppet improv show, Felt. Grab a beer and get a laugh out of the foul-mouthed fuzzy characters. (iO Theatre, 1501 N Kingsbury St, 8:30pm. $5)
3. Get a taste of street art culture
Visit the streets of the UK with artwork by graffiti artist Copyright. Moving from the alleyways to canvas, Copyright combines street art with more traditional styles in Fables, his first U.S. show. (Vertical Gallery, 1016 N Western Ave, 11am–6pm. Free)