Julia Holter and her ensemble of Los Angeles musicians sound warm and whimsical with a mix of electronic and acoustic instruments. Listen to some of her shimmering dreamy songs off her most recent album, Have You In My Wilderness, at the Constellation. (Constellation, 3111 N Western Ave, 8:30pm, $15)
Take a seat at America's longest-running magic show that will trick you with slight of hand and amaze you with illusions. For the past eight years, Joe Diamond and David Parr have delivered an interactive show with a nostalgia for the golden age of magic. (Greenhouse Theater Center, 2257 N Lincoln Ave, 8pm, $20)
Community Tavern is hosting a four-course dinner with absinthe inspired pairings. Get a taste of the drink great writers such as Ernest Hemingway and James Joyce swore by. (Community Tavern, 4038 N Milwaukee Ave, 6pm, $65)