
The three best things to do today in Chicago

Written by
Nick Kotecki

1. Potty-mouthed puppetry

If Sesame Street was as unfiltered and raunchy as some of the shows that air on HBO, you'd likely be watching something close to Felt, this adults-only improv puppet show now playing at iO. (iO Del Close Theater, 1501 N Kingsbury St, 8:30pm. $5)

2. A classic tale at the opera

The Lyric Opera performs Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi's classic biblical opera Nabucco, about the exile of the Jews by Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. Though it details a chapter of ancient history, the opera has all the trappings of contemporary times—politics, religion, love—as well as the famous "Va pensiero" chorus. (Civic Opera House, 20 N Wacker Dr, 2pm.$20-$299)

3. A contemporary tale at the theater

Northlight Theatre's production of Mothers and Sons tells the story of a gay widower whose deceased boyfriend's mother visits him, his husband and the 6-year-old boy they're raising. The challenging play delves into topics such as marriage equality, gay parenting and HIV as a manageable disease. (Northlight Theatre, North Shore Center for the Performing Arts, 9501 Skokie Blvd, 1pm & 7:30pm. $51–$68, students $15)

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