
The five best things to do this weekend in Chicago

Written by
Sara Freund

1. Find Europe in Chicago

It's film festival season! This weekend, it's opening night at Chicago's European Union Film Festival. The Paradise Suite, about five people whose stories converge in Amsterdam, is the feature presentation. Actor Issaka Sawadogo serves as the festival's special guest. (Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N State St, Fri 6pm. $11)

2. Listen to Logic

Break the barrier of time with hip-hop artist Logic, who makes a stop in town in support of The Incredible True Story, a concept album set 100 years in the future. This up-and-coming rapper's smooth voice, ambitious subject-matter and energy will make you feel like cruising with the windows down (well, maybe when it's summer). (Aragon Ballroom, 1106 W Lawrence Ave, Fri 6pm. $27)

3. Raise hell

Settle into the Logan Theatre for its late-night movie series. Throughout the month of March, you can look forward to epic sci-fi and comic book inspired films. This weekend, the featured movie is Hellboy, a comic book adaptation directed by Guillermo del Toro. (Logan Theatre, 2646 N Milwaukee Ave, Fri-Sun 11pm. $8.50)

4. Attend a shopping cart race

Introduce a little organized chaos into your life. Head to Wicker Park and witness the madness of Chiditarod, a shopping cart race and fundraiser for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Teams dress in outrageous costumes, race to complete a bar crawl and sabotage each other while fighting to become the champion (for example, one team developed an app to auto-lock the wheels on some shopping carts). (Wolcott Ave and Hubbard St, Sat 12pm. Free)

5. Sing happy birthday to the Dude

Cult classic film The Big Lebowski turns 18-years-old and Smoke Daddy is celebrating. Chow down on barbecue, listen to live music and watch the film on loop. Don't forget to put on a robe and grab a milk carton—the best costume wins. (The Smoke Daddy, 1804 W Division St, Sun 4pm. Free)

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