A day and a half into the biggest Lollapalooza ever, we've seen a delayed opening, some tasty new drinks and a few surprise appearances.
Who else is going to #lolla just to catch Pokemon?
— Tommy O'Connell (@T_M_OConnell) July 29, 2016
I've been at #Lolla for 2 minutes and I've already seen 37 butt cheeks
— Madison Jackson (@misslippytime) July 29, 2016
Hey @Snapchat, where is the filter where I can fill in the Bro Meter here at #Lolla?
— Brucie (@brookeebunce) July 28, 2016
just had my first #lolla #teen #underbutt sighting. ready to go home and to bed now.
— Lisa Ladehoff (@lisaladehoff) July 29, 2016
Rip to all the space jam Jordan's about to be ruined by this rain at #Lolla
— quixote's quest (@Killer_of_Kings) July 29, 2016
Overheard at #Lolla: "I used to hate on fanny packs, but now I love fanny packs". Amen bro, amen.
— Melani (@betterthanlzers) July 29, 2016
Worst realization from yesterday at #Lolla: Millennials don't understand the Macarena.
— Emily Zanotti (@emzanotti) July 29, 2016
Catching the earnest rhythmlessness of wasted #Lolla bros on camera is my Pokemon Go. It is so satisfying. #staytuned
— Jessica Hopper (@jesshopp) July 29, 2016
Finally learned what a fuccboi is today by seeing hundreds of them in person #lolla
— Andrew Gray (@Doubtmerchant) July 29, 2016
A drunk girl tauntingly warbles "Go Cubs, Go" presumably because this is the farthest south she's ever gone in Chicago. #lolla
— Gordy Andina (@GordyBeTweeting) July 29, 2016
15yo son: lots of see thru tops/no bras. Me: you're their target audience. Him: it's working. #lolla
— Christa Annes (@AnnesChrista) July 29, 2016
You're not truly an adult until people ask you to buy beer for them #Lolla
— Rachael Denae (@Rachance) July 28, 2016