Charmingly weird comedian Chris Gethard, known for his self-titled talk/stunt show (which he started on NYC public access and now runs on the cable channel Fusion) as well as appearances on Broad City and in Mike Birbiglia’s new movie Don’t Think Twice, will put in a one-night appearance at the Annoyance Theatre on Monday, September 19.
The Chicago show’s title is Chris Gethard: Working It Out, and as the name suggests, it’s a tryout of sorts. Gethard is prepping an Off Broadway run of his solo show Chris Gethard: Career Suicide, about depression, addiction and mental illness, among other hilarious topics. Judd Apatow, who saw an earlier version of the show, is co-producing the new run, which starts October 5 at New York’s Lynn Redgrave Theatre. The Chicago connection? Gethard’s show is being directed by Chicago’s own Kimberly Senior. Tickets in New York run $38–$58, but the Annoyance show is just $12 while it lasts.
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