Calling all Festivus celebrators, women with man-hands, and bubble boys! Scofflaw is going to become the bar about nothing in a few weeks. On Sunday, June 4, the Logan Square cocktail lounge is hosting an Ode to Seinfeld, paying homage to Jerry Seinfeld’s revolutionary ’90s sitcom. Seinfeld has enjoyed a bit of a renaissance online in recent years, as have nostalgia-inducing pop-ups (ahem), so Scofflaw’s move is sure to strike gold, Jerry! Gold!
The Seinfeld-themed menu includes:
A Big Salad — As Jerry explains: “Big lettuce, big carrots, tomatoes like volleyballs.”
Black and White Cookies — Again, Jerry: “You want to get some black and some white in each bite. Nothing mixes better than vanilla and chocolate.”
Muffin Tops — Elaine’s priceless wisdom: “It's the best part. It's crunchy, it's explosive, it's where the muffin breaks free of the pan and sort of does its own thing.”
Unfortunately, June isn’t exactly Soup Nazi weather.
Head to Scofflaw (3201 W Armitage Ave) on June 4 from 11am to 2am for a full day of Seinfeld nostalgia. The only rule is, if you’re gonna dance, you have to dance like Elaine:

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