
PAWS launches Kitten Cam, saves hundreds from a boring work week

Written by
Cynthia Robinson

Lest you have a melancholy Monday, or perhaps just a whole week of discomfort, just visit PAWS's Kitten Cam to perk you up like a strong cup of java. Brought to you by Nest Cam, which enables live streaming, Kitten Cam has 24/7 kitten action straight from PAWS, so you can be the ultimate voyeur of incomparable cuteness. 

Of course, there's a motive in addition to catering to your furry fancies. The stream will undoubtedly provoke gleeful shrieks and smiles, but it will also touch your heart and prompt you to pick up one of the cuties for yourself. As part of PAWS's Summer Kitten Challenge, when you adopt one kitten, they'll waive 50 percent of the adoption fee on the second kitten. Because let's face it, you can't just adopt one kitten. 

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