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The most exciting surprise guest at Lollapalooza this weekend so far hasn't been Chance the Rapper or Twista—it's been the daughter of President Barack Obama, who has been sighted in the crowd by many at the festival. Malia Obama's presence became known on Thursday when someone snapped a photo of her taking in a performance from Norwegian DJ Cashmere Cat. Since then, attendees have been keeping their eyes peeled for the detail of Secret Service agents who are accompanying the teenager.
It's not Malia's first time at Lolla—the first daughter was spotted at the festival back in 2014, where she reportedly attended Chance the Rapper's closing set.
We haven't spotted Malia ourselves (yet), but several Twitter users have captured her at the festival. If you run into her, please be polite—her dad may be the most powerful man in the world, but she's a kid just trying to enjoy the biggest music festival of the year.
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