
Kick off a momentous Pride weekend with marriage equality victory rally tonight

Written by
Kris Vire

Unless you're in a coma (in which case, how are you online?), you know that the Supreme Court handed down a historic decision this morning that makes nationwide implementation and recognition of same-sex marriages the law of the land. I like to think the five majority justices knew exactly what they were doing, breaking that news not just two days before many cities, including Chicago, hold their annual LGBT Pride celebrations on Sunday, but also on June 26 exactly—the same date on which the Court struck down sodomy laws in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas and dismantled the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 in United States v. Windsor, making this the third decision favoring gay rights. Maybe we should make June 26 a holiday in its own right.

One can only imagine how much more boisterous Sunday's Pride Parade will be than if the Court had waited until Monday to announce its decision. But the celebrating is starting right now, with a victory rally in front of the Center on Halsted at 7pm. Keep an eye on the Facebook event page for developing details.

And just because this passage from the end of Angels in America has been rolling around my head all day: "The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come. Bye now."

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