
Illinois has fifth most binge drinkers in the U.S.

Written by
Chris Bourg

The public health site compiled data from a CDC study about drinking behaviors in America and found that more than 22 percent of Illinois residents engage in binge drinking activity, good enough to give us the fifth highest binge drinking rate in the country. The CDC defines binge drinking as "adult men having five or more drinks in one occasion and adult women having four or more drinks on one occasion," which sounds a lot like a pre-game for the rest of the night's drinking.

It's safe to say that the city of Chicago claims responsibility for the majority of our impressive binge drinking statistic. With nearly 50 breweries in the city, countless festivals that celebrate our craft beer culture, our punishing winters and the existence of Wrigleyville, it's a rare occasion that Chicagoans limit themselves to just four or five beers per session. Mix in our sports teams, who either cause us to drink in celebration (Blackhawks) or drive us to drink to forget (every other team), and it's no wonder so many people qualify as binge drinkers.

Party hard and responsibly this Fourth of July weekend, Chicago. We've got a reputation to keep up.

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