
If your name is Jason, you can eat at Cemitas Puebla for free today

Zach Long
Written by
Zach Long
Photograph: Martha Williams | With a menu of Pueblan specialties, Cemitas Puebla is one of the best Mexican restaurants in Chicago.

Friday the 13th is traditionally considered an unlucky day, associated with freak accidents and supernatural activity. Cemitas Puebla is attempting to make the day a little luckier... if your name happens to be Jason. The restaurant tweeted that it's giving a free cemita to anyone who shares a name with the hockey-masked antagonist of the Friday the 13th film series. Just bring your ID to Cemitas Puebla's West Loop or Logan Square location and you'll be able to enjoy one of those delicious milanesa, arabe or carne enchilada sandwiches on the house. For those of you thinking about changing your name just to score a free lunch, it's cheaper to buy yourself a cemita. 

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