
If you find a lucky penny today, you could win $1000

Zach Long
Written by
Zach Long

Keep your eyes peeled for shiny, fake pennies on the streets of Chicago today—if you find one, you could win $1000. Ally Financial Inc. has hidden 100 pennies in plain sight in cities across the nation, including some here in Chicago. If you spot one, all you need to do is pick it up, type in the code printed on the fake coin on Ally's website and you'll be paid $1000 (or 100,000 cents).

The promotion is designed to call attention to the value of a penny, a coin that most people ignore when they see one lying in the middle of a street. According to a promotional video produced by Ally, the U.S. Treasury pumps out nearly 10 billion pennies each year, but half of those coins fall out of circulation (we're pretty sure that they're all hiding in couch cushions, sewer grates and sidewalks).

Not sure where to start the search for your lucky penny? Ally is tweeting out clues all day long, which you can find here or by following #AllyLuckyPenny on Twitter. Remain vigilant and the next penny you see wedged into a crack in the sidewalk could be your ticket to a nice chunk of change.

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