
Here are 25 things to make you feel better right now

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Time Out Chicago editors
Photograph: CC/Flickr/Payton Chung

In Chicago, life can sometimes get you down. Maybe you dropped your Rainbow Cone on the ground after one bite. Maybe you miss your train home only to find the next one to be perpetually delayed. Maybe you read a local news story that throws you into a rut for a week. At any given moment, it's safe to say Chicagoans are dealing with some serious shit. But we're here to tell you that it's all going to be okay—that regardless of all of the despair, hate, depression and broke, hungover mornings, this city can mend your broken soul better than any therapist or medication. It's a damn beautiful place to live, so we've compiled a list of 25 things here that can make you feel better right now. 

1. During the summer, there's almost always a free movie screening in a nearby park.

2. We have space to breathe—and alleyways for our trash, tree-lined boulevards and the lakefront.

3. Chance the Rapper refuses to stop repping Chicago, even as his popularity continues to surge (dude spent a day riding ON THE TOP OF AN EL CAR for a music video this year). 

4. The city has an adorable Hot Dog Queen.

5. You don’t have to spend a dime to see world-class bands performing under the skyline at Pritzker Pavilion each week.

6. You can also plan an entire summer around the packed calendar of music festivals.

7. The city’s fireworks displays continue all summer—every Wednesday and Saturday at Navy Pier.

8. Exercise comes with scenery, whether you’re trotting down the 606 or walking along the Lakefront Trail.

9. We have tons dog parks—and even one named Wiggly Field.

10. Our sports fans are the best in the world. We find a way to make our teams lovable even when they’re terrible.

11. You can take an unbelievable stroll beneath the skyline on the Riverwalk, which is going to expand over the next two years.

12. Chicago's brewery scene knows no bounds (except your liver). 

13. The same applies for our cocktail scene. 

14. The Lincoln Park Zoo and Shedd Aquarium both have an outstanding collection of sweet creatures.

15. And let's not forget the rest of the city's amazing museums, which offer plenty of free days for Chicago residents. 

16. At Scofflaw, you can get free, fresh chocolate chip cookies every night at midnight.

17. If you can't make it out for the cookies, you're still living in one of the best cities in the world for late-night delivery

18. Chicago is also the only place on Earth where the masses can find rapture in the hot, spicy, sweet and wet meat–oriented sandwiches that are known as Italian beefs.

19. You can also experience a completely different way of living by hopping on the El and heading to a new neighborhood.  

20. And don't even get us started on how many amazing rooftop bars there are around town. 

21. There are enough inspiring quotes about Chicago to fill up a commencement speech. 

22. We can drink alcohol.

23. We can drink alcohol.

24. We can drink more alcohol. 

25. We live in the greatest city in the world, and we wouldn't leave it for anything

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